Searching for Satellite Altimeter Echo-Signal
The paper is aimed at the study of time-based searching procedure for satellite altimeter echo-signal. The specific character of the problem is the noise nature of received signal which is a superposition of multiple illuminated scatters reflection. The searcher is made as a bank of parallel energy receivers. When search characteristics are calculated, the received power profile is exponentially approximated. Normalized threshold, search failure probability and search duration are quantified. Theoretical results are well corroborated with MATLAB simulation.
Authors: D.S.Borovitsky, A.E.Zhesterev, V.P.Ipatov, R.M.Mamchur
Direction: Радиотехнические средства передачи, приема и обработки сигналов
Keywords: Satellite Altimeter, Echo Signal, Time-Search, False Alarm Probability, Correct Detection Probability
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