Tunable Active Phase RС-Corrector

The article describes designing of a simple active filter circuit for an amplitude RC equalizer on three operational amplifiers with reconfigurability of all three main parameters: resonance frequency transfer coefficient and Q. Reconfigurability of these parameters is carried out by two variable resistors and one potentiometer. To adjust the resonance frequency, a dual potentiometer is not required. The quality factor and the transmission coefficient are adjusted within one decade. The tuning of the resonance fre-quency is possible within one octave without a significant effect on the Q-value. The obtained scheme of a simple tunable amplitude corrector is suitable for working in the range of low frequencies to video frequencies.

Authors: Yu.M.Inshakov, A.V.Belov

Direction: Проектирование и технология радиоэлектронных средств

Keywords: Active Amplitude RC-Corrector, Q-Factor of Complex Zero and Poles, Resonance Frequency, Transfer Coefficient

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