Space-Based Altimeter Backscatter Waveform Software Model
The subject of investigation is a space-based altimeter. The goal of investigation is development of MATLAB software model of echo-signal in a satellite radar altimeter. The phenomenological treatment of a scattering surface is used as a set of independent reflectors (specular points) subject to a number of restrictions. The model produced is applicable to simulating the effect of ranging signal parameters, antenna directivity, sea surface condition and other factors on the received power profile as well as verification of theory inferences. The software developed is of a great adequacy to physically predicted echo-signal characteristics and quite suitable for computer experiments aimed at studying altimeter basic operation modes.
Authors: Borovitsky D.S., Zhesterev A.E., Ipatov V.P., Mamchur R.M.
Direction: Радиотехнические средства передачи, приема и обработки сигналов
Keywords: Space-Based Altimeter, Reflective Surface, Specular Point, Echo-Signal
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